Friday, January 15, 2016

You can play with Angry Birds but never with Angry Words

PAASITIVE & NEGATIVE were good friends. They lived together harmoniously, went to school together & even played together.

Paasi, as she was fondly known & NEGA,as she was affectionately addressed, had their share of friends and detractors. Paasi had more of friends and Nega had more of detractors to be precise

During their summer holidays Passi & Nega were taking turns to visit each other and hence their behavioral differences had blurred. Once Paasi got interested in the ANGRY WORDS game that Nega always had close to her. She learnt how to play with ANGRY WORDS from Negative.

One hot and sunny day, due to power shut down & the humid climate, Paasi & Nega decided to spend the day at the woods nearby. 

They hiked a little and reached an opening where there was a Rishi called  Wisdom who was seemingly hungry. Paasi offered to share her food with him but Nega dissuaded her from doing so. Paasi,being kind as she is, did what she saw best and Wisdom blessed her after the meal.

Wisdom said,"Paasi, Let me give u a boon; ask me what you want". 

Happy at this offer, Paasitive said, "Dear Rishi, I want the Angry Words that Negative has"

The Rishi Wisdom was shocked and said, dear Noble Heart YOU CAN PLAY WITH ANGRY BIRDS BUT NEVER WITH ANGRY WORDS......... Saying so Wisdom departed leaving a Gaming Console with Angry Birds on Paasi's lap

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